
Jennifer Louise Robeck

Jennifer Louise Robeck, of Cotopaxi Colorado, Born May 23, 1955 lost her battle with cancer on September 12, 2009. Known as the “burrito lady” to many, Jennifer loved to cook and lived life to the fullest. She and Carol, her partner for 18 years loved to fish, camp, hunt, sing and dance. Jennifer was a proud Coloradoan who loved her mountains, the Bronco’s and the Rockies! She loved to play games and would grace us with her legendary whistle upon winning! Jennifer is survived by her brother Chris Robeck and Uncle Harvey Robeck and many dear family and friends. We would like to invite all her knew and loved her to a celebration of her life on October, 10 2009 at the Cody Park Church in Cotopaxi at 1:00 p.m.

These are just words. Words that will be printed in the paper. She was so much more than words, and I'm having a really hard time summing up her life with words - summing up my relationship with her in words.

It was no secret that Jennifer and I didn't always see eye to eye. In fact she down right pissed me off at times. But, she never treated me any differently because of it - nor I her. I think she was one of the few that I just "accepted" as they were. No more - no less and she accepted me. We had a few rough patches here and there, but I really don't remember them as much as I remember her smile and laugh.
She had an infectious laugh - it would start off as a small chuckle then build to something that, even if you had no idea why she was laughing, you would join in!

We played a lot of games; poker, dice, card games, board games, horseshoes, darts - you name it and she was in! And you could count on that whistle when she won! For those of you who have never heard it I compare it to the whistle in the Rawhide theme song...She also loved to ski. She took me skiing for my very first time - and man! That was a great day! Definitely one of my favorite days! I don't ski often, or very good - but what I can do is because of her... and I'm grateful for that experience.

Our "thing" was food. We loved to cook, and we cooked really well together and I think that is where we bonded. We really liked bouncing idea's and recipes off each other (I did more bouncing than she). It was a special treat when we got together for a meal because you could believe it would have every course imaginable! :-) She loved her "snackies" and sample time at the grocery stores was a highlite of the day! I often used her to test foods for me, to see if they were too spicy. If something was spicy her cheeks would sweat. No joke - little beads of sweat would form on her cheeks right above her cheekbones...and she would look at me and say "Don't eat it!"

She was very generous, if she had it and you needed it, it was yours! Of course, she did have 5 of whatever it was!!! She was a big bargain shopper! Her and I would just get so tickled if we got a great deal on something! It didn't matter if she didn't really need it - what could she get it for?! She wasn't cheap either. The first gift she ever bought me was a pair of pearl and diamond earings from the Shane Company. I was speachless... I didn't know if I was more excited about the earings or the fact that she got them from a company who's commerical I had memorized as a kid! (Go ahead say it with me... The Shane company just off Arapahoe Road and Emporia street one half mile east of I-25....) I still love those earings and I will forever cherish them.

She loved to crochet, and I'm really bummed now that I didn't have the patience to learn. She tried to teach me and I'm telling you - that's hard! She loved quilting and wood working - I have been on the receiving end of each of these talents and I am grateful.


I am grateful that she was a part of my life, and I'm going to miss her.