
Brr! It's cold outside ... and dark!

I can't stand daylight savings time. I think it is the most stupid thing ever! I can't stand waking up when its pitch black outside and I really love getting off work at noon to the freaking sun going down. Okay - so that is a slight exaggeration. But It's not too far off! IT'S NOT THE 1800'S AND WE AREN'T FARMERS! Even the farmers don't use daylight savings time anymore. Uggh. I think we should put in on the ballot next election. I vote "spring forward" all the time!

Okay - I'm off my soap box now!
It snowed here today - about 1/2 an inch! Kaitlyn had asked to go out all day! So - here she is playing in our first snow! LOL

The video is 30 seconds long - she was back inside about one minute later! LOL!

Last week I took Kaitlyn to the children's museum for the first time! It brought back a lot of memories of taking Akasha there. They have a lot of new things! It was really cute we had a great time. When we got there the Platte River trolley was running - so we took a quick ride! She really had a great time! We played and played there! She really liked the toddler area. It's a little less "crazy"! And it's decorated really cute - like a meadow with trees that you can go in! These aren't the best pics - they were taken with my phone. But still cute enough to share! Oh - I wanted to share that the 1st Tuesday of every month is free day at the museum! Check the website for times etc.

The trolley

Us taking a ride!

There was a big magnet board - that I thought would be pretty boring but she really like it. We played there for quite sometime!

For those of you that have been there before - they still have the grocery store and the kitchen. She liked it - but the other kids had bought most of the food and wouldn't share. She got bored really quick.

Here we are at the Vet clinic. She really like that! Isn't she super cute?!

Here is "firefighter" Kaitlyn! They have an old fire truck that kids can climb on - and little coats and hats to wear. I cringed when she put it on (I'm such a germ-a-Phoebe) but I had to admit she looked pretty cute!

This is in the toddler area. I really recommend this for anyone with kids 3 and under. We spent most of our time here!

Well that's it for now! It's been a really long week - and I'm looking forward to the weekend!


Halloween 08

We had such a great time! We started at about 6:00, which proved to be agonizing because she was dressed and ready to go for about and hour. As you can imagine every five minutes I heard "can we go trick-or-treating now?"

"wing wong the witch is dead....lalala....GET OUT OF BED!" LOL She is so cute!

We set out about the same time as all the neighbors with little ones, so she was really excited to see everyone! Here she is with Jane at our neighbors house!

There was only one house that scared her - and I felt so bad because I was on the sidewalk waiting for her - and she just started bawling! They had a door cover on - and when you knocked it screamed at you. Poor baby. She quickly got over it tho when he gave her extra candy!

I just have to say how grateful I am to live in this neighborhood! Our whole community is so welcoming and safe! I was so happy to see all our friends and neighbors out and about - and all the kids laughing and having a great time! This is what a community should feel like! Lot's of people dressed up and decorated and really made it fun for the kids! My friend and neighbor Kristy had an open house for all the neighbors with soup and appetizers for everyone! It was so nice! Kaitlyn really enjoyed herself and so did I!

Of course, no Halloween would be complete without a sugar buzz!

Mike and I finished off the night with our friends Krista and Jan, and good game of Rummikub! Check out the slideshow on the side for more pics. You can click a picture for the full size version.

All in all a great Halloween!