
one more super cute pic!

Kaitlyn's friend Zoe had a spa day for her birthday - and Kaitlyn got her toes painted and this...

SO SO CUTE! What have we set ourselves up for?!

my first salad from my garden!

On the 4th I got to eat a whole salad entirely from my garden! It was SO delicious! Fresh lettuce, radish, spinach, tomatoes, basil, parsley and cilantro!

My Garden is growing fantastically!

Day at Chatfield Res

Last weekend, we went to water world and had a GREAT TIME! I hadn't been there since High School. It was so fun we all had a great time and I can't wait to go back!

The next day we went to Chatfield with my brother-in-law's family and our neighbors. We had a great time! It was nice to do something different - the kids enjoyed hanging out in the water and the big kids played badminton! Thanks to Aunt Patty, we had TONS of food and nothing went to waste! Check out my dirty face girls! LOL That's when you know you're having a good time!

Above are Jan, Mike, Richard, Mike, Jarod and Dee in a battle to the finish! :-) We had a lot of fun - laid back fun day!


My cousin Chris generously gave us an Xbox360!!! How lucky are we?! By we, I mean Mike because all the games are his, he got a remote for it (which is his) and he got me one game (Sonic) but won't show me how to set up a profile so I don't have to start over each time.

I'm going to have Jarod show me how ... and then.... watch out! That baby will be ALL MINE! LOL

Even Kaitlyn is getting in on the action! She loves mortal combat. So - is that a bad thing??

Thank you Chris for you generosity! We greatly appreciate it and are thoroughly enjoying it!

Where has the time gone?

Wow - I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since my last post! To start, I am totally addicted to Facebook. It has occupied all my free time lately and yes, I am ashamed! (Not really)

So - aside from facebook, what have I been doing? Enjoying the summer, enjoying the rain, loving my garden and hanging out with my family! Here are some pics of us enjoying the sunshine!

Kaitlyn gettin' jiggy wit' it!

Taking a sip out of her birthday pool!

The kids dancing - so cute! Check Jarod's moves out!
Below are Zoe, Kaitlyn and Bean showboating in the front yard!


Garden Update

Have I mentioned how utterly proud I am of my garden? Well - I am! I am SO stinking proud! Food is growing, ACTUALLY growing! And pretty darned good I might add! :-)

It hasn't been without it's problems tho - the wind knocked over my tomato planter and all the tomatoes on the bottom got broken. The hail killed several things... actually I killed more than the hail did trying to protect it from the hail. Sigh. But, overall things are growing and I can eat them ... AND I have been doing it totally organic! No harmful pesticides or growth enhancers! I got this great book from the library that I may not give back (just joking Chris....) and it has tons of organic tonics that help your garden, yard and flowers! I recently treated my garden to a pest pulverizing salsa - to get rid of harmful bugs! It smelled so good I wanted to eat it - except that it had 6 jalapenos in it and it would have been way too hot! But, it worked! I have made a friend with a crab spider. Yes, I said it - a spider. Don't get me wrong, we're not hanging out having iced tea or anything but we are "co-existing". He lives on my tomato plant, and eats all the bugs and promises not to sneak up on me. In turn, I let him live. Symbiotic relationships are so nice!

My yummy spinach

Here are a few pics! Today I think I might make a salad with my lettuce, spinach, cilantro and radish! ;-)

Above - Some of my lettuce, and one of my radishes! YUM!

My bell peppers are just starting to grow, and an overall view of the upside down planters.

Here are my cherry tomatoes - you can see one is almost ripe! Ya! The one looked like it had a seed growing on the outside, so i picked it off, and it left a scar. Ooops. This is where the spider lives, he was camera shy today. The second pic is a close up of one of the bell peppers.

basilSome lemon boy tomatoes

Well, that's all for now, have a great day!

On a sad note - I came home from work to this.... apparently (or we're guessing) that the wind broke my tree. :-( Anybody know of a great deal on tree's????