one more super cute pic!
my first salad from my garden!
Day at Chatfield Res
Last weekend, we went to water world and had a GREAT TIME! I hadn't been there since High School. It was so fun we all had a great time and I can't wait to go back!
Thank you Chris for you generosity! We greatly appreciate it and are thoroughly enjoying it!
Where has the time gone?
Taking a sip out of her birthday pool!
The kids dancing - so cute! Check Jarod's moves out!
Below are Zoe, Kaitlyn and Bean showboating in the front yard!
Garden Update
Have I mentioned how utterly proud I am of my garden? Well - I am! I am SO stinking proud! Food is growing, ACTUALLY growing! And pretty darned good I might add! :-)
My yummy spinach
Above - Some of my lettuce, and one of my radishes! YUM!
My bell peppers are just starting to grow, and an overall view of the upside down planters.
Here are my cherry tomatoes - you can see one is almost ripe! Ya! The one looked like it had a seed growing on the outside, so i picked it off, and it left a scar. Ooops. This is where the spider lives, he was camera shy today. The second pic is a close up of one of the bell peppers.
basilSome lemon boy tomatoes
Well, that's all for now, have a great day!