Christmas was very nice! We were behind in our gifts this year (hmmm wonder why? Nothing really happened this year - yea right!). But we were able to get them all done before the end of the year. I think they turned out beautifully and we were really proud!

This was just a few of the bottles we made this year. I personally consumed each wine or cider and will be checking myself in to AA promptly. (Kidding - the bottles were ones I have saved over the last 6 years!)
Mom brought some very special gifts. There was something for each of us, that her and Jennifer had been collecting or saving or making for us. Some were very personal (and emotional) like the afghan that she crochet for Akasha. It was the last thing she ever made. Some were totally surprising, like the cars she had been saving for Jarod. Some were just totally cool - like the coin collection her and Mom and been saving for Jamie and myself for 10 years! There were special gifts for each of us. It was a very emotional, but a good end to the year. We did miss her laughter, but I know she was with us, beaming from ear to ear! (You betcha!)
Christmas gets better each year with Kaitlyn, she cracks me up everyday. When she was passing out presents (most were for her) she said "WOW! I love presents that start with "K!" We couldn't stop laughing at that! She was so excited and surprised - but I think she liked giving gifts the best. She was so proud of the gifts she picked out for me.
For my birthday, I got Band Hero! We had a blast rocking it out with everyone! Here are some video's that will surely make you laugh!
This is Guinness enjoying his Christmas gift.
The fam jammin! Kaitlyn pulls out one of her personalities for Band Hero!
Here are Jeff and Chris gettin' down! Amanda was "slappin da' bass mon!" LOL.
Here is Kaitlyn singing "Big black "hawk" and the cherry tree" Check out my husband! He swore he wouldn't like this game - Looks like he's enjoying himself, what do you think? LOL
Last one! Here is everyone singing Kung Foo Fighting. Check out Mike B, he had no idea I captured him getting down!
There were a few other video's but I think I posted enough! We had a great time!
2009 was full of laughter, tears, ups and downs. There some incredible moments, that took my breath away and some that made it hard to breathe! I am happy to move on to 2010 and to another amazing year!
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had a rockin Christmas! Maybe now that things have settled a bit we can get the girls together to play.
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